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Courtenay 2

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Position # 1, Sir John de Chamber

Position # 2, Earl of Rochechouse w/ moveable arms

Position # 4, Geoffrey Sieur de Longueil.

(One of my favorite Courtenay poses!)

Position # 4, Bishop of Chalons. Great portrait of the Bishop! One of the best Courtenay's!

Position # 2, Sir Edmund Wauncy

(Note Early black base & movable arms)

Position #3, John Sieur de Crevecoeur

(Note great crest and lambrequin)

Position # 3, Sir John de Clinton w/moveable visor

Position # 3, Sir John Floville, w/ moveable visor

Position # 3, Sir Nele Loring, K.G.

w/moveable visor, feather crest & lambrequin

Position # 3, Thomas Lord Roos,

w/moveable visor

Position # 5, Guy de Lasteyrie

Position # 5, Courtenay/Ping

Note: Both pieces have an (F) in gold indicating that they fought for France in the Hundred Years Wars.

Position # 6, King Edward III

Position # 6, Von Urban

(Note unusual moveable arm w/ax)

Position # 6, John King of France

Position # 6, Edward the Black Prince

Position # 6, King of Castile

Position # 6 Courtenay Greenhill Lord de La Cerda, King of the Fortunate Isles

Position # 6, King of the Scots

Position# 6 Freddy Ping Philippe le Hardie

Position # 6 Courtenay Casting painted by ,Sieur de Crevent

Position # 6 Courtenay Copies by

Minikin of Japan

(Note that they came in several colors, and they were imprinted of the underside of the base with Made in Occupied Japan)

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