Lord Tankerville’s

Miniature Heraldic Knights and Book Shop


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According to Peter Greenhill , from his book Heraldic Miniature Knights, Keith Dennison started his Chivalry range in 1989.  The original range comprised four sets of foot knights each with 4 miniatures. There were twenty mounted knights in combat & jousting.  In addition, there are four SPECIAL mounted knights - The Black Prince, King Edward the III, The Duke of Lancaster, and Robert de Mamines.

These knights are toy like and painted in gloss with the heraldry applied by transfer. However the miniatures with simple heraldry did not have transfers, as the heraldry was painted. All the knights have their name hand painted on the underside of the base to aid identification.

Chivalry knights are very charming with great variety. Relatively hard to find in the US, I have acquired my collection over several years, most at toy soldier shows and trades with other collectors.


Edward "The Black Prince"

Henry Duke of Lancaster

King Edward III

Rosedale Miniatures - The Chilvary Range

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