Lord Tankerville’s

Miniature Heraldic Knights and Book Shop


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Sieur Jean de Bellay

Sir Brian Stapleton

Joan of Arc with Banner

Miles De Noyers with Oriflamme

John Keith w/ Banner of the Earl Marshall of Scotland

Miles VI Sieur de Noyers at Crecy w/Oriflamme

Philippe Le Hardi

Sir Richard Fitzsimmon with Wessex Banner shielding the Black Prince, brought to his knees at Crecy.

Sir Alexander Rathray

A series of knights designed and researched by Peter Cowan sold under the name Wyvern Standard, in the 70's & 80's!  There were 4 series, Series 1 & 2 were knights of the Hundred Year War Period. Series 3 included characters from the Hundred Year War at the Tournament and Joust. Series 4 comprised figures from the time of the Scottish war of Independence with England. Each series was comprised of about 20 different miniatures.

William Lord Seton of Scotland

Robert the Bruce, King of Scotland

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